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One More Thing Before We Go: Thought Chuck for April 22
Proof of Nerd ID by Charles Cron
Theories suggest that the massacre at Columbine High School occurred as a commemoration of the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, which was itself timed to coincide with the anniversary of the end of the Branch Dividian siege at Waco, Texas, as well as the anniversary of the Battles of Lexington & Concord (which started off the American Revolution.)
Okay, first Tax Day is all cursed and now this? April is just not a good month for history.
Okay, first Tax Day is all cursed and now this? April is just not a good month for history.
Don't forget Hitler's birthday.
Well, you can forget it if you want, I just mean that some theories say that Hitler's birthday has something to do with the choice of date.
Don't forget Hitler's birthday.
Well, you can forget it if you want, I just mean that some theories say that Hitler's birthday has something to do with the choice of date.