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Philosophical Monday: My Pet (Word) Peeve [Trying]
There is no other word that I hate more on the planet than “try.” It feels weak to me, and whenever someone (including myself) says something like, “I’m trying to lose weight,” or “I’m trying to finish my novel,” I doubt both their sincerity and effort.
Life has been so much better since I struck this word from my vocabulary. Now I either am doing something or I’m not doing it. There’s no in-between. “Trying” is no longer good enough. And every time I inadvertently use the word “trying,” little alarm bells go off.
That’s why “trying” is my biggest pet (word) peeve. Do you have any pet-peeve words? Seemingly innocuous words that you’ve given all sorts of negative connotations? Sound off in the comments!
I hate “trying” too!!!! Like you, I find that it just means “eh, I probably won’t do it even though I should.” Striking it from my vernacular meant that I would commit rather than half-ass something.
There is NO TRY!!!!!!
Oh, I’ll half-ass something all day. I have absolutely no problem with half-ass. But at the end of the day, I want to be done. Done is better than good (or tried).
You’re right, when you say ‘trying’ you don’t have to commit to anything. I like your approach, you’re either doing it or not!
that’s definitely my big issue. i’m a big fan of commitment, so and trying doesn’t feel like true commitment.
When I catch myself saying “trying” I know it means I’m not “doing”. I hear Yoda cussin me out for that. My biggest pet peeve word is “Anyway…” especially when someone uses it in conversation. It usually means that they aren’t listening and only want to continue their monologue. ‘Anyway’ drives me bonkers.
Anyway is a monologue word. I know, b/c I launch into a lot of monologues. I also don’t like when people use it to change the subject back to what they were originally talking about after you talk. It feels like subject change of war!
I can’t think of any single words that bother me, but certain phrases do. There’s one going around a lot now along the lines of “it made me vom a little in my mouth”. Ew. Gross. Just too graphic for me, especially for how easily most people use it. Bleah.
Yes, I wish this phrase would die. It’s gross and perhaps worse, never gets the laugh anymore. I think we should officially declare it done.
Interesting. I have never had such a strong aversion to a word or phrase. And using the word trying doesn’t bother me….I know I use it. For me it is not about being non-committal but about genuine fear or hesitation.
This is interesting to me, b/c you RARELY use the word try. You’re a big doer, and I think that might be why you don’t mind the word…
I’m trying to think if there is a word or phrase I really don’t like, hold on…….