Procrastinate of This! BOOK WEEK Edition

What a lovely, lovely week this has been! Our Fierce and Nerdy bloggers more than delivered, and I’m thinking we’ll have to do this again next year? But what’s our first themed week without an afternoon cap of a huge ole chunk of (book-based) procrastination? Oh, and friendly reminder. We’re giving away two more shirts on Monday or Tuesday, so pre-order the book and let me know to get entered to win. Also, big congrats to Susan Howard from “The Next Family” our Friday T-shirt winner.

1. Sadly, one of my favorite blogs isn’t too hopeful about this new Black Aqualad character, but I’ll definitely give him a chance … as long as the YOUNG JUSTICE issue he’s in is available on iPad. [Topless Robot]

2. Betty will definitely be receiving this Large Hadron Collider pop-up book. [Galleycat]

3. I loved this article on why it’s so very hard to recommend books. Basically people tend not to be as upfront about what they’re reading, which it’s not high-quality. I can identify. I haven’t read one trashy romance this year, and that’s mostly because I’ve been tracking every book I read at Fierce and Nerdy. [The New Yorker]

4. I hadn’t even heard the rumor that Alan Moore was working on an opera with the Gorillaz. But when I read that it wasn’t true, I got really sad. [i09]

5. Isn’t it sad how Keira Knightly just refuses to star in movies based on critically acclaimed novels? — oh wait, what I meant is that Keira Knightley is in yet another movie based on a critically acclaimed novel — one I loved, in fact NEVER LET ME GO by Kazuo Ishiguro. Though I’m a little concerned, b/c the majority of the book takes place in high school and nothing distracts me more than watching people in their late twenties play high schoolers. Anywho, the trailer looks promising and very Oscar-baity.