Procrastinate on This! Or Things To Do When You’re Bored on a Friday

Not sure why I keep forgetting to tell you guys this, but I’m going to be performing a true story for this lovely monthly event, called Spark. So if you live in Los Angeles, and you’re looking for something to do right now, maybe mark your calender for Monday night. Here are the details:

The Powerhouse Theatre Presents:



Monday, October 6th, 7:30pm

~ An Evening of True Stories ~

The Powerhouse Theatre
3116 Second Street

(One block E. of Main St; One block N. of Rose )
Santa Monica
$10 / RESERVATIONS REQUIRED: 310/ 396-3680

Also, if you want to see a kid cursing, spewing hate and being generally obnoxious, you might want to check out this Lil O’Reilly (read Bill O’Reilly) spoof.

Gawker also has this funny story about how it’s illegal to post photos like the one to the left in Scotland, because it’s “unchivalrous” here. And they also have a weirdly-sexualized ad for insurance, that you can just barely watch without setting your work computer censors off here.

Oh, and here’s a fun game. After the jump, I’ve posted trailers for 2 movies — one that I really want to see (despite who directed it), and one that I wouldn’t ever, ever, ever watch. Ever. See if you can guess which one is which:

Filth and Wisdom:

Proud American: