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Procrastinate on This! My Little Pony Killed Bill!
I’m very happy it’s Friday. But I’m not so happy that I have to spend it working.
But then again, if you didn’t have to work on Friday, you’d just over-schedule yourself like you do on Saturdays and Sundays. So really you can’t win with Friday. Still here’s a bunch of stuff to procrastinate on while you’re watching the clock.

I am so in love with these My Little Ponies by artist and moviephile, Mari Kasurinen. The Kill Bill Bride Pony is my fave, but I want all of them, including the Edward Scissorhands, He-Man, and Hans Solo ponies. Too bad, they're 330P each. Ugh. Click on the pic to see the rest of the collection.
1. I like Negative Natalie’s new vocab word: the noun “bullshittery.” But I agree with her that it should probably be used sparingly. [Negative Natalie]
2. Now this tickles me pink. Apparently pink briefs have seen a 62% sales spike since January 2009. People are thinking it has something to do with the recession. [Jezebel]
3. I 100% agree with this article about why you should buy a domain name for your play as soon as you think of it, even if you haven’t written it yet. But I’d go a few steps further and say that this tidbit of wisdom should be applied to books, TV shows, and any other creative project titles you might have. In fact, I bought the domain for right after I read this. [Producer’s Perspective]
4. This is so wrong, that I don’t even know what to do. It’s basically Snuggie Baby Bjorn meets Alien. I just keep saying, “No! No! No!” every time I see it. [Gawker]
5. Okay, I loved Office Space and I adored Idiocracy — I saw it twice in the theater, and I NEVER see movies twice in the theater. So of course, I can’t wait, wait, wait till Labor Day Weekend, when the new Mike Judge film, Extract, comes out. Seriously, can fall come like now?
Wow, I procrastinated with each and every item on that list! Why should I unpack anyway?
I'm very excited to see Extract too, love Mike Judges movie work, but I got really excited for the Harry Potter trailer! I'm a slow nerd:…
Wow, I procrastinated with each and every item on that list! Why should I unpack anyway?
I'm very excited to see Extract too, love Mike Judges movie work, but I got really excited for the Harry Potter trailer! I'm a slow nerd:…