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Procrastinate on This! [Black Friday Edition]
1. At only $5, this set of Girl Scout Cookie Flavored Lip Balms are the perfect small gift for the Girl Scout Cookie enthusiast on your list — though seriously that would be the entire list because who doesn’t love Girl Scout cookies? Mmm, samoas… Pick up your set at WalMart or Claire’s. [Jezebel]

You: Oh, no you DIDN'T post a Christmas Tree Hat. Us: Oh, yes we DID -- click on the pick to buy yours for $33 at via LikeCool
2. You can now get Bert and Ernie on your TomTom GPS system, and the ad for this newish feature is pretty frickin’ funny. Oh, Bert and Ernie… [The Mary Sue]
3. No better time than the holidays to post this article about “the best ways to keep stress and anxiety at bay.” I have got to get back to daily meditation. [Lifehacker]
4. Something else to contemplate: the odds of your existence are pretty slim. Check out this infographic. [BoingBoing]
5. Is it cold where you are? These pictures of celebrity vacation homes (including Bruce Willis and Mick Jagger) will warm you up. Or fill you with icw-cold jealousy. One of those. [Curbed]
6. And just in case this Thanksgiving made you actually love your family more for some weird reason, here are some great concept designs for zombie-proofing your home. [12 Futuristic Finalists: Zombie Safe House Competition]
7. NASA’s accepting astronaut applications for an asteroid mission right now. Yes, seriously. [NASA]
8. Apparently Salvation Army Ringers have climbed aboard with iSquare and will now be accepting credit cards. Seriously, if you own a small or one-man business and still insist on dealing in cash, you’re an idiot. Even I have an iSquare, and whenever someone makes me pay cash for an item over $20, I’m like, “Have you heard of iSquare, bitch?” Okay, I don’t say “bitch” … but I’m thinking it. I’m thinking it hard. [The Consumerist]
9. Ugh, this trailer for BEING FLYNN, the movie adaptation of Nick Flynn’s memoir, Another Bullsh*t Night in Suck City, has me worried anew that I will end up crazy and alone with way bitter progeny. I know that this is a totally weird fear to have, considering that I’m currently ensconced within a loving, happy, and supportive family. But obviously it’s actually happened to writers before or there wouldn’t be so many books and movies and IRL stories where that exact scenario plays out. Anywho, Happy Holidays!
The Girl Scout Cookies lip balms are a good idea, but during the off season I just might bite my lips off.
Hahaha! That’s what I’m scared of!