Procrastinate on This! BOOK WEEK Edition


It’s me, Ernessa. I’m taking PoT! Friday back over for most of the summer — you know why, right? Right? Of course you do. It’s because the 32 CANDLES paperback releases next week, so that means you have to put up with me schilling again. So…

I’ll be doing a reading along with a few other awesome black authors on the mainstage of the Leimert Park Book Fair this Saturday at 11:30AM. Then I’ll be moderating a “What Makes Black Books Go” panel later on in the day with a wonderful group of writers, including Helena Andrews, of BITCH IS THE NEW BLACK fame (see my book report HERE) and Todd Bridge (of “Whatchoo talkin’ about Willis” fame) — yes, I do realize that one of my husband’s Pictures this week was of a Gary Coleman poster, but I assure you, it was just a coincidence. A weird coincidence, yes, but coincidence nonetheless. Whatchoo talkin’ about CH? The point is if live in L.A. and you want your paperback copy of 32 CANDLES before it hits the stores, you should definitely come out as I’ll be signing after my first panel.

Oh, and make sure to hit us up next week, because we’re going to be running two weeks worth of dope 32 CANDLES giveaways starting Tuesday, and I know you don’t want to miss that.

Okay, that all plugged, let’s get into this special BOOK WEEK edition of PoT! Friday in zee can.

I'll be talking about my summer reading plans on The Girlfriend's Book Blog this Saturday and over at Carleen Brice's blog next Tuesday. But until then, click on the pic to check out a LifeHacker post on how to curate your summer reading. Trust me it's best to curate your list before you go on vacation. Found that out the hard way.

1. Alright, I know I can’t be the only Loveswept imprint line fan in the proverbial room. Seriously, this used to be my favorite line of thin grocery store romances, and it launched many popular writers’ careers, including Sandra Brown, Janet Evanovich, Tami Hoag, and my personal out-of-the-box favorite, Deborah Smith. Well, color me happy, because Random House is relaunching the line as a digital imprint. Wha??? I’m going to go re-read my favorite Deborah Smith novel of all time, LEGENDS, in celebration. Yes seriously. [GalleyCat]

2. I’ll be guest-posting for Julianna Baggott’s 1/2 Dozen feature next week and I can tell you already that my answers or both cynical and funny (I think they’re funny, at least. I can never be sure.) But meanwhile, check out fellow Smithie, J. Courtney Sullivan (COMMENCEMENT), whose new book MAINE is out and about, so buy it. [1/2 Dozen]

3. As someone whose writing life was about 90% rejection before it wasn’t anymore, I absolutely agree that learning to deal with rejection should be on a an aspiring writers to do list. [Nathan Bransford]

4. According to the Epicenter blog, E-books just aren’t “there” yet. I’m not sure I agree with any of the writer’s 5 arguments, except for the one about not being able to decorate with your e-books. I’m finding it a bit annoying that my bookshelf makes it look like I pretty much stopped reading in 2007 (after I received my first e-reader). []

5. Hey, did T.E. show you the trailer for the movie version of one of my favorite booksONE DAY by David Nicholls, yet? Just in case…