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Procrastinate on This [Friday Edition]
In lieu of an apology for not being around much online or off the last three weeks, I’ll just post this (slightly edited) email that I sent our co-editor, Amy Robinson, this morning:
My inbox is currently FUBAR […] Last big deadline of the season is on Saturday and then, I’m going to be so stellar … starting Monday.
So, you know, looking forward to actually being a decent editor-in-chief again next week. Til then, here’s a big ol’ batch of procrastination. As you know, no matter how much I’ve got on my plate, I will always, always put your Friday procrastination needs first.
1. Apparently, Americans hate California more than any other state in the Union, including New Jersey! New Jersey!!! In other news, haters be cray-cray. The writer of this post says that it’s not because these folks are jealous, to which I say, yeah, right. Most haters don’t get they’re jealous b-words, which is why they’re haters, and — getting back to my original statement — totally cray-cray. Someone please call me right now, so that I can hear my ringtone, which is “I Love L.A.” #straightrepresentinLA4lifeyo [Gawker]
2. Check out the free course offerings for writers and readers at iTunes U. [GalleyCat]
3. I think everyone should read this fascinating and scary post: “What Does Science Fiction Tell Us About the Future of Reproductive Rights.” [Jezebel]
4. Seth Godin has some insightful thoughts on engaging with criticism. [Seth’s Blog]
5. History buffs (like my husband) should appreciate this “The Weirdest Unsolved Mysteries of WWII” post. Ghosts and alien theories abound. [i09]
6. One of my favorite book bloggers (mostly b/c her reading tastes run just as random as mine) reviews THE TINY BOOK OF TINY STORIES by Joseph Gordon-Levitt. According to her it’s beyond adorable, just like its writer. [Reads4Pleasure]
7. Got nothing to do this weekend? I’ve got four words for you: DIY Wonder Woman Flats. Bam! You’re welcome. Click through for the instructional video. [The Mary Sue]
8. We must be feeling positively apocalyptic these days. Here’s the trailer for 4:44: LAST DAY ON EARTH. Abel Ferrara’s much more gritty take on the current “end of days” trend, starring Willem Defoe.
To point #1 above – When I saw that “Most hated states” factoid on the news this morning, my initial reaction was to yell, “How could we possibly be worse than New Jersey?!?”
Your email reminded me of the commentary on “Evil Dead 1” DVD. Every time his character, Ash, thinks he escapes evil by: running into the house, or away from the house, or getting the car started, Bruce Campbell comments, saying “Thank God, I made it into the house/out of the house/into the car…now everything is going to be alllll riiiiiight.” which is so not ever the case. But that has nothing to do with your schedule. I’m sure that come Monday morning, everything is going to be alllll riiiiight.
(And thank you for giving us 8 wonderful things to procrastinate with when you are beyond crazy busy!)