Procrastinate on This: Friday Edition [April 1, 2011]

Do you guys do April Fools Day? Well, Ernessa and I gravely discussed doing something more than changing the current mood photo this year, and well … as you can see, unlike Zack Bunker, we’re way too lazy for April Fools hijinks. But how about you? Are you usually the one pulling the prank or the one getting pranked? Let us know in the comments.

Meanwhile here’s a whole bunch of stuff to procrastinate on that has nothing whatsoever to do with April Fool’s Day. Maybe we’ll get our act together next year. But seriously, don’t hold your breath.

If you're a parent with an iPhone, you've probably given your kid your iPhone to keep them quiet a time or two. Hell, Ernessa and CH up and gave their daughter an old iPhone 3GS of her own. Either way, this $15 Fisher Price iPhone case is a must-have. Click on the pic for more info. And thanks to Friend of FaN, Debra Barlow for the f/t.

1. It’s funny b/c these Cake-Wreckers didn’t realize that their cakes looked like uteruses. [Baby Smiling in Back Seat]

2. Some fantastic advice on breaking into the TV writing business from friend of FaN, Clark Perry. [clarkblog]

3. Looking to vintage up your light sources in a really fierce and nerdy way? Check out these lamp shades from Schoolhouse Electric. Thanks to FaN blogger Missy Kulik for hepping us to these on her RANCHO COCOA blog. [Schoolhouse Electric]

4. Agent Rachelle Gardner has some great tips for what fiction editors look for when they’re looking for good fiction. A great list to read and reread as you’re working on your rewrites. [Rachelle Gardner]

5. Hey, it’s Friday. Why not creep ourselves out with CHERNOKIDS, an animated feature about mutated babies? [LikeCool]

Chernokids (english subtitles) from Les Chernokids on Vimeo.