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Procrastinate on This: Friday Edition [January 28, 2011]
So … anyone else planning to spend the weekend watching Season 1 of HOT IN CLEVELAND, b/c Jersey Joe recommended it so highly? No? Just me? Whatever, here’s your weekend’s worth of proscrastination.
1. Published authors and hope-to-be-published authors (like me) might find this advice on how to promote your books from 23 different authors useful. I know I did. [Girlfriends Book Club]
2. Any fellow RED DWARF fans out there? Because it’s maybe definitely coming back for a 6-episode season in 2012. [Topless Robot]
3. Looking for a job? Here’s what’s NOT to do. Thanks to Anonymous from My You Really Have Put On Weight for the h/t. My favorite it-really-happened example was the guy who tossed his beer in the outside trash can before coming into the office. Smooth. [Washington Post]
4. As someone who even Ebeneezer Scrooge might refer to as “mighty stingy,” i find myself oddly compelled to send this poverty-stricken, Ugandan chess phenom some money, so that she can compete in future Olympiads. [Jezebel]
5.Friend of FaN, Tara Armov, would so appreciate if we kept her employed by watching Bob’s Burgers, the latest animated offering from Fox. Not a bad request, because it’s purty amusing. Check it out below. [Knuckle Dragging 101]