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Procrastinate on This! Friday Edition [October 8, 2010]
So I actually don’t have any plans this weekend, which feels weird to say the least … But what are you up to this weekend, I mean other than procrastinating on this:

A note from our own Ryan Dixon - In case it's not on your list: You NEED to read this book. I think you would absolutely FUCKING LOVE IT! It's like four different novels in one, all hilarious and heartbreaking. Imagine if Michael Chabon, Jonathan Lethem and Joe Orton had a baby and that baby wrote the Harry Potter books, but took out (most) of the magic and instead inserted real teenage obsessions with sex, drugs, parallel dimensions, video games and doughnut eating contests while also having a "slightly less than middle-aged" crisis subplot for one of the teachers and you'll have a small idea of what this book is like. -- Click on the cover to purchase at Amazon.
1. Our own resident sex therapist, Dr. Miro, appears in this month’s Women’s Health Magazine with a quote about how to keep your marriage sex-ay. Alright! [Women’s Health]
2. According to British scientists, light drinking poses no threat to unborn babies. As someone who forewent champagne when she got her book deal b/c she was pregnant, this news was greeted with a slam of my fist into my hand. Ah well, next time… [BBC News]
3. Waving at my new must-read blog, Witches’ Brew … full of really smart, really snarky news and gossip analysis. Love! Love! Love! Seriously check ’em out — it’s “White Jesus Approved.” [Witches’ Brew]
4. Looking for a crafty way to trick out your bathroom? Check out Missy Kulik’s super-cute embroidery hoop idea. [Rancho Cocoa]
5. Yeah, I’m just go’on have to admit that I’ll watch pretty much anything with quirky English folk in it. And this film TAMARA DREWE is about quirky English writers, plus a chyck with a fresh nose job. So yeah, I’ll be downloading this one on Apple TV pretty soon here.
current mood photo credit: Tambako the Jaguar