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Procrastinate on This! Friday Edition [October 9]
I almost wish I still had an FT, b/c it actually seems like I’m much busier these days being a write-at-home mother. Betty’s baptism is on Sunday, also we have the biggest Halloween party of the season to attend on Saturday (yes, on Oct. 11. LA takes Halloween extremely seriously. It really is like a special season out here. And back when I was single I used to call October the beginning of the LA’s party season, which doesn’t end until January 1st).
Also, Betty’s godparents and godbrother are coming into town tonight for bother the party and the baptism. I don’t have anything to wear to the baptism, my eyebrows are shaggy. my toenails in disrepair, and I need to somehow find the time to do my 20 minutes of exercise and get my car washed, since the interior is still pretty wrecked from when we took a profusely bleeding Tulip to the doggie emergency room and found out that she had some skin tumors that would need to be removed with surgery ASAP (she’s fine now, don’t worry). So yeah, wish me luck and then definitely, definitely procrastinate on this.

These mugs are so clever, but at $18.95, they're too rich for my blood. However, if you don't have a future mug thrower and 2 lefties in your family and you want to invest in some conversation-piece dishware, then click on the pic for more info.
1. Seriously, if your password is 123456, change it now. And furthermore, what’s wrong with you? [Valleywag]
2. Basically, the writers behind Dr. Who are as awesome as we think they are. Maybe even more so. [clarkblog]
3. If you live in LA and are still looking for a Halloween costume for our special Halloween Season, you might want to check out the LA Opera’s Costume Sale on Saturday w/ many costumes under $10! [LA Opera]
4. I was never one for the Barbie dolls, but just in case Betty is, I’m glad that they’re now releasing a full color-spectrum line of Black Barbies. [Home of the Urban Chameleon]
5. So I’m going as Nina Simone to this weekend’s dead celebrity party, CH is going as Jerry Garcia, Betty’s godfather is going as Jim Belushi, and her godmother, Monique from “Political Physics” is going as Tamara Dobson (aka Cleopatra Jones). So yes, this brilliant trailer for Black Dynamite (release date: October 16) is going out to Monique. Also, I’m trying to figure out a way to convince CH that we should got see this as our next date movie.
I can not wait until Black Dynamite is out!
I can not wait until Black Dynamite is out!