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Procrastinate on This! I Hate BBC One
B/c England is cold and I would never want to live in England permanently, but then I watch a preview like the one below for Day of the Triffids and I’m all like, “Ooh, I want to live in London, so I can get things like this first-run.” But then I remember how cold and expensive London is — anyway, my point is “When oh when is BBC America or SyFy going to bring this mini-series over here? [Source: Topless Robot]
Day of the Triffids Clip: “Skies Ablaze” from AO on Vimeo.
Last year I met a TV writer for BBC, and all he could talk about was HBO. How much he loves the shows, how much he wishes he could write for them instead of BBC, how they're better funded than BBC and therefore can do long series and follow the story arc properly instead of cramming everything into half a dozen episodes…
The grass is always greener.
Last year I met a TV writer for BBC, and all he could talk about was HBO. How much he loves the shows, how much he wishes he could write for them instead of BBC, how they're better funded than BBC and therefore can do long series and follow the story arc properly instead of cramming everything into half a dozen episodes…
The grass is always greener.