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Procrastinate on This! Like a Boss! [FaN Favorites]
If you’re stuck in the office today, try not to blast this. Though, I know you’ll be tempted…
From April 8, 2009
Saturday Night Live is pretty much dead to me. Mainly because it’s been ridiculously unfunny since the election ended, but also because I can no longer stay up that late. So big thanks to Friend of FaN, Mike Bollow for posting this hilarious Andy Sandberg video from last Saturday’s Seth-Rogen-hosted ep on his Facebook page. If you have a boss, it’s a must-watch for the first 30 seconds alone, then it just escalates from there. NSFW w/o headphones.
Thanks for posting this one again. It hurts me I laugh so hard.
Thanks for posting this one again. It hurts me I laugh so hard.