Procrastinate on This! Robots, Surrogates, Foosball, and Toga Towels

The weekend is no longer so welcome for me, as it seems I work have more to do then during the work week nowadays. But just in case you’re actually looking forward to the weekend, here’s some procrastination to get you through your Friday faster.

Yet another potential gift for CH ruined by my insatiable need to show you guys clever stuff. Hopefully some other chyck's husband or BF gets this Diesel Frankenwatch as a prezzie, b/c it is just too dope. Click on the pic for more info.

Yet another potential gift for CH ruined by my love of showing you guys clever stuff. Hopefully some other chyck's husband or BF gets this Diesel Frankenwatch as a prezzie, b/c it i is TOO dope. Click on the pic for info.

1. Is it wrong that I want a Toga Towel? [Gawker]

2. Not a fan of Barbie, but I might be totally willing to buy this Barbie foosball table. [Jezebel]

3. After our final (for now) Babies-R-Us bill came out to 4 digits, I vowed not to get anything else for Betty, unless absolutely needed … then I saw this robot baby carrier. [Gizmodo]

4. Big thanks to slpc for pointing us to this “collection of the most expensive and the most worthless items in the world.” I found the iPod charger toilet-paper ring especially impressive (in a not worth buying sort of way). [Maybe You Shouldn’t Buy That]

5. The writer and me says no, no, no to this futuristic Bruce Willis film, Surrogates but the nerd in me says, yes, yes, yes! Who should I listen to? Alas!