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Procrastinate on This! Womanizer to the ASL Degree
So I often wonder how I would’ve spent the copious amounts of free time that I had when I was younger if YouTube had been around back then. That’s not really a good segue for this video of a hot guy (more so when he’s wearing glasses — but maybe that’s just me) doing a American Sign Language version of ” Womanizer,” but for whatever reason, that’s what I was thinking about as I watched it.
Thanks to Zacki from “Tall Glass of Shame” for the introduction. And though he claims it’s a little NSFC at the beginning, it’s pretty tame. I think you’ll be fine for work — unless you work in a daycare.
Now I'm going to have that song stuck in my head all day. Totally worth it. Sign language is hot. Who knew?
Now I'm going to have that song stuck in my head all day. Totally worth it. Sign language is hot. Who knew?
love this video.
love this video.
OH – MY – GOD…! A hot, buff, adorable, deaf, fierce, nerdy, sign-language boy with great dance moves – I'm in LOVE. I hope he lives in either Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa or (now) Vermont (thanks "activist legislators!") because I'm moving there immediately so we can get gay-married.
OH – MY – GOD…! A hot, buff, adorable, deaf, fierce, nerdy, sign-language boy with great dance moves – I'm in LOVE. I hope he lives in either Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa or (now) Vermont (thanks "activist legislators!") because I'm moving there immediately so we can get gay-married.