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Straight Outta Comments: Election Day Fun
Along with making us all a bit more intelligent with his bi-weekly Thought Chucks, Charles Cron can often be found in the comments section often, saying something funny and insightful — like this, which he posted after last week’s Political Physics post:
“Personally I like to vote in person. It makes me feel connected to this so-called “democracy” that we live in.
I love the frantic internet search on election day because you’ve misplaced your sample ballot, the fruitless search for parking near your polling station, the idle banter with the nitwit conservative in line in front of you, the smell of the poll workers (ahhh, tube roses and Ben Gay), their obviously fake cheeriness, their complete & utter lack of alphabetical & geographical knowledge in finding your name or address in their roll book, your inability to assist them when they ask you for ID because you’ve misplaced your sample ballot, the flimsy card table voting kiosks, the ballots that never line up in the plastic tabs of the voting booklet when you insert them, the little ink-a-dot pen that never works on the first press and always works too well on the second, trying to remember how you wanted to vote on all the propositions and referendums because you’ve misplaced your sample ballot, the poll workers’ complete & utter lack of knowledge on how to actually insert your ballot into the machine reader to make it “count,” the sadness you feel when it’s all done and you don’t have anything to recycle because you’ve misplaced your sample ballot, and the need to request the little “I Voted” sticker after you’ve done the deed because they forgot to offer it to you.
Ahh, Election Day should be a national holiday…”
Chuck, I think the moral of the story is…put your sample ballot in a safe place! I will say, I do love sitting on the couch the night before (with the sample ballot I had put in the previously mentioned safe place) and the guide book and reading about all the propositions and candidate statements. It makes me feel like I have homework again! In a good way.
Chuck, I think the moral of the story is…put your sample ballot in a safe place! I will say, I do love sitting on the couch the night before (with the sample ballot I had put in the previously mentioned safe place) and the guide book and reading about all the propositions and candidate statements. It makes me feel like I have homework again! In a good way.
Chuck, I think the moral of the story is…put your sample ballot in a safe place! I will say, I do love sitting on the couch the night before (with the sample ballot I had put in the previously mentioned safe place) and the guide book and reading about all the propositions and candidate statements. It makes me feel like I have homework again! In a good way.
I’m all for homework, but reading the voter guide the night before the election reminds me too much of having to read THE GRAPES OF WRATH the night before the test in 11th grade – too much to digest in one sitting. I did enjoy sitting with my ballot during “The Big Bang Theory” and watching the proposition commercials come on to see how my thoughts compared. I laughed out loud when they ran Yes on 8 and a No on 8 commercials back-to-back.
I voted this morning and was pleasantly pleased that my experience was very much as it’s been before. The only differences were that I walked to the polling place (as it was only a block from my house) and I had a nitwit liberal in front of me in line instead of a nitwit conservative (she was behind me.)
But other than that: stupified poll-workers – check. Flimsy kiosks – check. Ballot not lining up in booklet – check plus (why is it so hard to design a ballot that actually works?!) Ink-a-dot pen ineffective and then too effective – check…or dot, I should say.
I’m all for homework, but reading the voter guide the night before the election reminds me too much of having to read THE GRAPES OF WRATH the night before the test in 11th grade – too much to digest in one sitting. I did enjoy sitting with my ballot during “The Big Bang Theory” and watching the proposition commercials come on to see how my thoughts compared. I laughed out loud when they ran Yes on 8 and a No on 8 commercials back-to-back.
I voted this morning and was pleasantly pleased that my experience was very much as it’s been before. The only differences were that I walked to the polling place (as it was only a block from my house) and I had a nitwit liberal in front of me in line instead of a nitwit conservative (she was behind me.)
But other than that: stupified poll-workers – check. Flimsy kiosks – check. Ballot not lining up in booklet – check plus (why is it so hard to design a ballot that actually works?!) Ink-a-dot pen ineffective and then too effective – check…or dot, I should say.
I’m all for homework, but reading the voter guide the night before the election reminds me too much of having to read THE GRAPES OF WRATH the night before the test in 11th grade – too much to digest in one sitting. I did enjoy sitting with my ballot during “The Big Bang Theory” and watching the proposition commercials come on to see how my thoughts compared. I laughed out loud when they ran Yes on 8 and a No on 8 commercials back-to-back.
I voted this morning and was pleasantly pleased that my experience was very much as it’s been before. The only differences were that I walked to the polling place (as it was only a block from my house) and I had a nitwit liberal in front of me in line instead of a nitwit conservative (she was behind me.)
But other than that: stupified poll-workers – check. Flimsy kiosks – check. Ballot not lining up in booklet – check plus (why is it so hard to design a ballot that actually works?!) Ink-a-dot pen ineffective and then too effective – check…or dot, I should say.