Crushing on San Fran [Gal About Town: Fashion and Travel at Your Fingertips]...

This week continues the detailing of my love affair with San Francisco. Every time I visit the Bay, I discover something new that I love, and always leave with the want to explore even more. In this blog I’ll tell you about the Palace of Fine Arts, the Golden Gate Bridge 75th Birthday celebration, and (for all you book geeks) the semi-secret Dashiell Hammett Walking Tour. Since my husband watched The Rock for the first time, he’d always wanted to visit Alcatraz and the Palace of the Fine Arts. We’d covered thee Rock on our first trip to San Fran, and were never able to make it  to the Palace on subsequent trips. This time, the Golden Gate Bridge festivities were so close to it, we made certain to check it out. San Fran is an architectural gem. It has a mix of every architectural fad in the last 150 years. And then there’s the Palace of Fine Arts. It was designed in the “Beaux-Arts” fashion by Bernard Maybeck and William Gladstone Merchant. It was originally constructed for the 1915 Panama-Pacific Exhibition, preserved by the Hearst family, and then mostly demolished and rebuilt to be more structurally sound in the 1960’s. Today it’s a beautiful park, with even more beautiful architectural structures that can be enjoyed by all. If I lived in San Fran, I can definitely see myself going to the Palace to read scripts, design costumes, or have a romantic picnic. Basically, it would be one of my “zen” places. It had the perfect amount of people in it (not too many, not too little, but just right) and it had wildlife. Ducks, birds, swans, turtles, etc; there was enough wildlife to keep you happily entertained by their antics. As for the indoor...

JCPenney: The American Icon Goes Through a Big Change [Kicking Back with Jersey Joe] Feb17

JCPenney: The American Icon Goes Through a Big Change [Kicking Back with Jersey Joe]...

We’ve all shopped at a JCPenney at one point in our lives just as our parents did. The department store has been around for over 110 years and now the entire chain is undergoing a major change! Penney’s, as most of us call them, have anchored just about every mall built since the suburban population sprawl in the 50’s. The chain is well known for their clothes, makeup, and house wares; as much as they are known for their deep discount weekly sales. James Cash Penney opened his first store on April 14, 1902 in Kemmerer, Wyoming with help from two partners Guy Johnson and Thomas Callahan. The trio would open three more stores under The Golden Rule Store name, before the partnership was abandoned five years later. Penny would gain control and change the name to J.C. Penney Co. The chain grew very quickly and in 1928 opened their 1,000th store with profits of more than one million dollars per year. The chain held on, while many other companies folded, during the Great Depression and World War II. Most JC Penney Co. stores were open in downtown locations, but began to move with the invention of the Interstate Highway System. After the war, as more American’s purchased cars, the population began to move out of downtowns and into the suburbs. High speed interstate freeways not only linked states with fast, and convenient roads, it also linked city workers with their new suburban homes. With this population sprawl came the shopping mall. The shopping mall revolutionized the way Baby Boomers would shop.  They would no longer have to drive downtown, parallel park, feed a meter, and walk from store to store.  Now, everything they needed was under one roof; multiple stores, food courts, ample parking, entertainment and climate...

Take Me Downtown! [Ask Dr. Miro: What You Didn’t Learn In Health Class]...

Dear Dr. Miro, My wife doesn’t like me to go down on her. She gets weird about letting me see or get near her vagina with my face.  Well, she seems to like it a little bit at the beginning but then pushes me away quickly after I get started.  We have sex, no problem, and she goes down on me all the time but I never get to return the favor. Two questions: How do I get her to like it more? How do I get near my own Wife’s Juicy Bits with out it being a big scene? Sincerely, Juan T’Slurp Dear JT’S, Have you asked your Betrothed why she does not want your face between her legs? Has she been comfortable with oral sex with past lovers? Is your face scratchy? What is it that makes her push you away?  These would all be good places to begin. A lot of women are uncomfortable with their Vulvas after being told their entire lives “it” is a dirty, shameful, smelly part of their personhood that should be hidden. I do not know Your Better Half’s background but that could possibly be coming up for her.  There is also the issue of women believing they need to pleasure their partners without receiving any pleasure in return. You know, that whole martyr thing to which humans can fall prey. It is difficult for some people to let go and allow others to please them. Make sure Wifey knows how amazing you think her Special Lady Parts are. Go into details with this. Declare your love of her smell, taste, juices, texture and coloring. Let her know how much you adore turning her on with your tongue and lips. Reiterate how giving the woman you...