CAMELOT on Starz Channel: Philosophical Monday

Okay, well the CAMELOT redux has sneak-previewed its first episode on the Starz Channel. I’m a nerd. I’m a British scif-fi nerd. Jonathan Worth, the head writer of CAMELOT, previously did stints on TORCHWOOD and LIFE ON MARS. I should have adored this series opener, except I didn’t — it all came down to the women and sadly, the writing. Here are my thoughts: Why I Decided to Watch It: For the same reason I watch everything having whatsoever to do with CAMELOT. I’ve even watched the first season of MERLIN ya’ll — I’m not playing. What It’s About: It’s basically the Arthur legend in minute and somewhat historical detail. We get to hear the origin story of baby Arthur, which is pretty much a soap opera plot with magic. But we also get to hear Morgana’s side of the story which includes fifteen years of forced exile in a nunnery and a realm that she cannot rule, because she is a woman and also held in contempt by her father, Uther. What Makes it Different: Unlike Merlin, the storyline isn’t tidy. Other than the suspicious lack of split ends or body hair on any of the women, design-wise this series feels much more accurate than anything we’ve seemed before. Armies that would have been depicted as CGI-enhanced hordes on the hills in a Camelot movie are reduced to bands of 20-40 men in this much more realistic depiction. What I Loved: Eva Green (best known as the Bond girl from CASINO ROYALE) is an arresting presence in this series and given lots to do. It feels as if her talent has finally found a character worth of her considerable screen presence. James Purefoy (Mark Antony in HBO’s ROME series)  as King Lot is...