Beer and pretzels — a staple of pub fare. It’s hard to imagine not washing down all that salty goodness without an ice cold beer. But, in one US state, it’s supposedly against the law! The internet rumor mill is all abuzz stating this law exists on the books in the state of North Dakota. According to KFYR-TV, North Dakota Century Code Section 5-01-08 prohibits any person under the age of 21 to enter an establishment where alcohol is being served. Code section 5-02-06 does allow for the exception if the food area is separated from the bar and the sales of food are equal to or greater than the sales of alcohol. While most bars aren’t in danger of getting nailed for the law, that hasn’t stopped the internet rumor machine from saying it is officially on the books… and it OFFICIALLY is, but with a technicality. Jay E. Buringrud, North Dakota Legislative Council, tells KFYR-TV this comes from twisting the language of local laws and statues. “It’s a false interpretation, but the interpretation plays well as a crazy law,'” says Buringrud in the interview. But, there is one way this crazy beer and pretzel law can be enforced. If a person under the age of 21 enters a bar and orders a beer, is served, and then orders a pretzel or any other type of food for that matter – they are violating the law. That underage patron and the bar could both be busted and fined. While the KFYR report debunks the internet rumor as being completely false, common sense would say that it is technically possible – not just in North Dakota, but any other US state with the age 21 law. All US states currently have laws which limit alcohol purchase and consumption to age 21 and above. The only exceptions are in Kansas and Wisconsin where it is legal for under 21 persons to consume in the presence of a parent or guardian. Many states still have laws allowing it with parental supervision in private homes. In Puerto Rico and Guam, the legal age is 18. The beer and pretzel combination are standard fare in German pubs, whose popularity have caused them to migrate to the United States. In most US states, the legal drinking age is 21, but in Germany, kids as young as 14 are allowed to consume beer and wine, under parental supervision. At age 16, they are free to imbibe and can fully go for the hard stuff at age 18. Different culture – different rules. In Europe, alcohol consumption by minors is considered tradition and is generally accepted. Many forgotten laws and legislations still exist on the books in US states today. Many have been around since the earliest days of statehood or Prohibition and they’ve either been forgotten or tied up in so much legal mumbo-jumbo that there’s no reason to waste time repealing them. Also in North Dakota, another crazy law states it’s illegal to lie down and fall asleep with your shoes on! Better yet – in Ohio, it’s illegal to get a fish drunk or fish for whales on Sunday! So, jump in the car and take that party to neighboring Pennsylvania! THE 411 What: North Dakota law stating serving beer and pretzels is illegal ND Code Sections: 5-01-08 and 5-02-06 Fact: true, with technicalities JERSEY JOE RECOMMENDS: I’ve never been to North Dakota in my life. But, if I ever make it there, I’ll be sure to ask a bartender if they ever got busted for this law. I love giant pretzels and couldn’t imagine not being able to wash one down with a cold beer. But, sorry kids – keep it over 21 and drink responsibly… no excuses! Image credits – kalleboo &...
Where In the US It Is Illegal to Enjoy Beer and Pretzels at the Same Time [Kicking Back with Jersey Joe]...
posted by Jersey Joe
Did it Rain Chicken McNuggets on New York? 7 Fun Things Caught on Camera [Kicking Back with Jersey Joe]...
posted by Jersey Joe
New York – millions of people and millions of stories. Having lived here for many years now, I’ve seen some crazy things. Every once in a while when I’m out and about, I snap a picture to share along with my friends. Now, I’ve sharing them with you! It was a random Wednesday morning and I was walking to work. While stopped at a crosswalk, waiting for the light to change, I looked down and found this…! I’m sure these Chicken McNuggets didn’t really fall from the sky like rain, but it looks like someone lost more than half of their 20 piece order. I don’t know about you, but I usually don’t see the sidewalk littered with deep fried chicken parts often. Last month, I spotted this sign posted in a Jersey City bar, just across the river from Manhattan. Read the last line very carefully… Doesn’t consuming beverages at a bar make you hydrated — or less thirsty? Apparently not here! So, come in thirsty – because you’re going home even more dehydrated! We’ve all heard about the chicken that crossed the road… well, here’s the pretzel that crossed the subway tracks. Somehow, I don’t think this story would be good for children, especially when the 3 train comes barreling on in! Yes, this giant cockroach was recently caught in a Manhattan high rise! Feel secure that a few hours earlier, it was crawling across somebody’s desk. You should have seen my co-workers freak out when I carried this thing around! How would you like to drive this van with a giant hot dog on top? This thing blew past me at about 80 MPH on the Garden State Parkway, heading south of the city. No, this is not a prop from Saturday Night Live… this...