Dear Dr. Miro, Can rough sex make my Vag smell? Sincerely, Stinky Puss Dear SP, The quick answer is no, rough sex does not result in vaginal odor. However there are some things to clarify. First of all, you are assuming rough sex means the same thing to everyone when really it can entail anything from light spanking with a gentle pull on the hair to being hogtied and flogged during a gang-bang. Another thing is that everyone’s body is unique. What may affect a person one way may have a completely different result on anothers. Unpleasant smells emitting from your Yoni are due to miscellaneous factors. Have you been checked for Sexually Transmitted Infections? If you have crossed STI’s off as a possibility, the next place to look could be improper hygiene. I know that seems like a no-brainer, but even if you are washing after your sexual escapades you may be causing harm and odors as a result of improper techniques. What I mean by that is, you could possibly be using a soap that irritates your Special Lady Parts and in retaliation, your Vag will try to heal it’s self by producing more than her usual flora and fauna, so to speak. This same thing can be applied to douching. I could go on and on about that “D Word” but will make it simple: Do. NOT. Douche. It is unnecessary. The chemicals in most all douching products are akin to shooting bleach up in you. While on the topic of irritants, check and see if the condoms or lube you are using have Non-Oxynol 9. That stuff can produce rashes and bad reactions, which can turn stinky. Another factor contributing to an unsavory Vagina could be in your diet. It...
Herpes Hullabaloo [Ask Dr. Miro (What You Didn’t Learn In Health Class)]...
posted by Miro Gudelsky
Dear Dr. Miro, How do I tell someone I’m with that I have an STD without scaring them away? When should I even do that? How could anyone want to be with me when they find out I have genital herpes? It’s not like I’ve been with that many people but I still feel totally gross. Sincerely, Depressed & Dirtied Dear D&D, First of all, I am sure you have way more to offer than what’s going on between your legs. Having an STI (Sexually Transmitted Infection) does not imply you have had a lot of partners or you are a bad person. It simply means you may not have been well informed. It only takes once to contract an STI. The time for disclosure is a tricky one in that it does not need to be the first thing your potential sex partner knows about you but it should be addressed before you get naked together. Really, it depends on the situation. If you are dating, disclosure is definitely not suggested, or necessary, on the first date. Let your love interest get to know you a bit. Make sure when you do bring this up, you are both planning on sleeping together. Since you will already be in a vulnerable state, it a wise idea to broach the topic while you are both fully clothed. Understand, if your potential sex mate gets uncomfortable and cannot handle your reality, they may need to get up and sort it out in his or her head. As you decide upon the right time, stay in your place of personal power and authenticity. Remind yourself: you are a good, loving, sentient being who just happens to have made this one mistake. Based on the fact you do...