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Technically Geeking: Eat-In Kitchen
a blogumn by Justin Time
In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I thought it apt to take a look at kitchen technology. All geeks eat food, most enjoy it, and there are even some who pry themselves away from their computers and other devices long enough to cook a meal in a real life kitchen. Once a geek starts spending more time in the kitchen, they will quickly realize how many gadgets there are for food preparation, and consuming obsession will ensue. To that delicious end, here is a list of gadgets you should buy immediately before hosting Thanksgiving dinner.
1. Turkey Cannon – To quote the product description, “Think beer can chicken on steroids.”
2. 2 In 1 Kitchen Scale With Wallclock – Just the yesterday we needed a kitchen scale, and had none. It would have been impressive to pull it off the wall and put it back up there to tell the time when we were done.
3. Bugatti Espresso Machine – After dinner, to prevent a tryptophan-induced coma, you will probably want a strong caffeinated drink. To your rescue is this work of art/coffee maker.
4. Vortex Cocktail Maker – After you get your second wind, it’s time to start drinking again. Part lava lamp, part cocktail shaker, part tornado, this will liven up your Martinis & Greyhounds.
5. ChefStack Automatic Pancake Machine – Yes. It exists. And for only $3500, you too can go watch TV while a robot makes your pancakes. This would be the best way to kick off Black Friday.
Are you still reading this? Ok, just for you, here are some iPhone apps for Thanksgiving. These are in the App Store’s Thanksgiving feature, but these are the only ones that looked good enough for me to download.
• Kitchen Calculator Pro – Not that I need another unit converter, but it’s kitchen specific and cute.
• Pair It! – Food and Wine Guide – Tells you what wine with what food. I know, kinda bougie.
• Whole Foods Market Recipes – Now we’re talking some serious bouj’. But hey, it’s free.
• Gobbler – Guaranteed to make you snort or snicker.