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The (Diet) Story of My Life [Oh, It’s Tuesday]

I remember one of the guys I dated when I first moved to California expressing surprise that I ate so much processed and fast food. Most California girls, he insinuated, did not eat that way.

Being fresh out of grad school – where I’d maintained a daily eating regiment of a large cup of coffee for breakfast, Hostess cupcakes for lunch, and a pizza slice for dinner — I sniffed that I wasn’t like these West Coasters with their (pwah!) healthy food and their (eye roll)( eschewing of trans fats. I ate what I wanted, when I wanted it, however I wanted it.

A little over a year later, I went on my first diet. There were a few reasons for this: it’s hard to skate roller derby if you’re only eating junk food — you need those good carbs, my formerly rock-hard metabolism started to peter out in the form of fifteen added pounds, and after a year of transfatless food that cost more than $5 per order, I began to honestly enjoy eating cleaner food. You can really taste the difference, and really there’s no easier or yummier place to eat well than California.

So after the “Roller Derby” diet, came the unintentional “Break-Up” diet, then a year later, the “Oh No, I’m in Love, and Have Gained So Much Weight” diet, then the “Wedding Dress” diet, then the desperate “Having Trouble Conceiving Diet,” then the three-month “Must Lose this Baby Weight” diet, then the much more reasonable year-long “Seriously, Let’s Shed This Baby Weight/Book Tour” diet.

Now, I’m on a new-new diet, one that could be described as the “Enh, Why Not Shave Off Ten More Pounds” diet or the “Because I Always Go on a Diet After Our Summer Vacation” diet or the “God, I Must Be a True Californian, Because I Obviously Don’t Know How Not to Diet” diet.”

In any case, it’s bizarre to think that I’ve been on one diet or another since 2004 and even weirder that these diets do a pretty good job of summing up my post-grad school life so far. But I’m throwing this back to you. Do your diets tell the story of your adult life as mine do? If so, tell us the (diet) story of your life in the comments.

featured image credit: alternakive

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