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The Winners of the 32 CANDLES Paperback Contest and other News
Hello Fellow Fierce Nerds,
After a brutal flight back from Hawaii — having a toddler on an overnight flight is always a ton of fun — here are the four bright spots in an otherwise overcast (and seriously sleepy) morning:
1. Fierce and Nerdy is BACK! So happy as we missed you soooo much!
2. We’ve got a new co-editor. Amy Robinson from “Tall Drink of Nerd” is now our Blogumnist Editor. We’re so excited to have her aboard. Super-yay!!!
3. CH got his second (but no less exciting) Lighting Direction Emmy nomination for the fantastic Michel Gondry-directed episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live below . Other than this being a huge honor for CH, the nom means I get to throw on a fancy dress and do the whole 80s montage makeover thing again. I’m already wondering what I’m going to do with my now-much-shorter hair, what color I should paint my nails, what I’m going to wear, and of course, what 80s songs I’ll play while I’m getting ready — right now I’m leaning toward Prince…
4. Last but not least, we received an unprecedented number of entries to our 32 CANDLES Tote and Gift Card Contest. Thanks so very much to everyone who entered and helped spread the word about the 32 CANDLES paperback release. Here are our 14 Winners in the order that they were generated by the picker:
Welcome home!
Big congrats to CH!
Very excited to see your next Emmy style.
Congrats CH!
Congrats to Amy and to CH. Both of you deserve to be in lights (well, CH you already are kinda, so up the amperage), so kudos to you both! Huzzah!
So, I’m just now seeing that I’m one of the winners of the contest. I might be really late, but how do I receive the paperback 32 Candles? I’m am so excited to share it!
Ronda, there was a delay with the gift card company, but we just got them in our hot little hands and will be sending them out before week’s end. Yay!
I’m just now seeing that I’m one of the winner of the contest. How do I receive the paperback copy of 32 Candles. I can’t wait to share it!
Thank you very much! I just received my gift today and didn’t even realize that I was a winner. What a pleasant surprise! Thanks, again!
No, thank YOU for entering. It’s been so awesome hearing back from the folks that won.