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What 5 Thanksgiving Foods Could You Not Live Without? [Wow! It’s Wednesday!]I

You know, I always think that our first vacation of the holiday season is going to be oh-so-lovely and relaxing. But in truth, it’s always a bit weird. For one thing, I generally start to miss you guys about one or two days before Thanksgiving break, then over the break itself it feels like great post ideas keep on coming up, but … oh yeah, we’re on vacay. By the time we return to your loving online arms, it’s like “Whew, finally we’re back! TTL.” Then we blink and it’s time for our way longer winter hiatus at the end of December.

This is all to say I’m fully in the throes of missing you already. For me, Thanksgiving is a mostly lazy holiday. Ever since the Ernessa Ruined Not One But Three Pumpkin Pies Incident of Thanksgiving 2000, I haven’t been invited to do so much as crack open a can of cranberry sauce  at a Thanksgiving celebration. That’s right, I’ve done absolutely jack at Thanksgiving for over a decade now. So while others might regard this holiday as one of arduous-but-worthy food labor, being one of those people who other people seem to just instinctively shoo away from the kitchen, I think of it as the most boring holiday of the year.

Yeah, I said it. I have no online life, people are like, “Are you seriously not going to take a day off from writing, Ernessa” when I try to hide in a dark corner with my laptop, non-Steelers games and Grey’s Anatomy-less Thursdays suck, and I can’t stop nodding off after 5pm. Thanksgiving is soooo boring. And I despise being bored — like can’t stand it on several different levels of can hardly bear it. This is why Thanksgiving is easily my least favorite holiday. Other than the food, I just don’t see much to recommend it.

So let’s talk about the food, shall we?

If I you were sentenced to a particularly pitiful Thanksgiving and could only choose five Thanksgiving foods to make up your meal, what would they be? Here’s my list: 1) Turkey 2) Mashed Potatoes & Gravy 3) Pumpkin Pie 4) My MIL’s biscuits, and 5) Collard Greens (even though I haven’t gotten lucky in that department for almost a decade now).

But how about you? Post your “Thanksgiving Big 5” in the comments, and if you’re also on Team Thanksgiving Is the Worst Holiday, do let me know.