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Wonderfully Awful: Your Hedges Need a Trim
a blogumn by Robin Rosenzweig
Ever since I started musing on all that is Wonderfully Awful in the world, it seems that others have found fun in helping me discover these things. This is incredibly helpful on a day like today, when the sun is shining and the weather is warm and I have a hard time focusing my mind on one particular topic amongst all that is Wonderfully Awful. Luckily, thanks to the help of friends and family, I have a few new discoveries worth sharing.
American broadcast television is notoriously uptight, and in order to see truly funny, borderline offensive commercials, we usually must look to other countries. But either the America’s delicate sensibilities are lightening up, or this commercial for the Schick Quattro Trimstyle for Women managed to sneakily slip through the cracks. The commercial is for a razor that features a waterproof bikini trimmer. The commercial shows women in various situations, from jogging to meeting a girlfriend for lunch to swimming. It also shows bushes of various shapes and sizes around them. And every time the women pass by, the bushes…shrink. And some of them form neat little shapes. It really is about as blatant a message as they can possibly send without actually showing women trimming their personal hedges. I can thank my sister for bringing this gem to my attention:
Two more Wonderfully Awful things after the jump:
Speaking of my sister, she recently saw the touring production of Grease at the Pantages Theater in Los Angeles. The “big name” on the marquee is none other than American Idol winner Taylor Hicks. This prematurely silver fox and leader of the Soul Patrol is onstage for all of one song (Beauty School Dropout, but of course). He’s a charismatic performer, so according to my sister’s post-show review, having him in this role was fine by her. Except that they didn’t leave well enough alone. At the end of the show, after the curtain call, the character of Vince Fontaine comes back onstage and says something about how the audience is about to flash forward from 1959 to 2009. He then trots Taylor Hicks back out to sing a song from his new album to a captive and shocked theater audience. According to my sister, much of the audience – many of which paid good money for a night at the theater – was completely and utterly horrified at what they were being forced to watch. It was enough to make her write a Wonderfully Awful-esque rant entitled “Open Letter to Taylor Hicks Agent” on her Facebook page. If she’s really nice, she’ll post it in the comments section.
And last but not least, we all know of songs with completely unintelligible lyrics. And there is perhaps no artist that is more notorious for slurred vocal stylings than Eddie Vedder. With no progress in sight toward the correct interpretation of mumbled Pearl Jam lyrics, some enterprising YouTube users have started a trend of putting together videos based on what Eddie Vedder and other mush mouth artists *sound* like they’re saying. I first became aware of the existence of these videos at a baby shower that featured karaoke, of all things. One of the performers made a karaoke video from the misheard lyrics video for Pearl Jam’s “Yellow Ledbetter” – perhaps one of the greatest songs that nobody can possibly understand. Watching someone sing along as we watched the video highlighting nonsensical lyrics that, for all intents and purposes, *sound* correct was downright priceless. I have found other misheard lyrics videos on the internet, but in my opinion, none are as great as this “Yellow Ledbetter” video.
Wow, I can't believe the US censors let that Schick ad happen. But I love the commercial and now want to try to product — you know, in about 3 months when I can actually see down there again, so that I can trim it. Ah, the joys of pregnancy…
Wow, I can't believe the US censors let that Schick ad happen. But I love the commercial and now want to try to product — you know, in about 3 months when I can actually see down there again, so that I can trim it. Ah, the joys of pregnancy…
I was taken by the ad campaign for the Norelco Men's Body Groom a few months back… humor sells me on an item really easily… sadly it was a piece of crap (I won't get into that here as i'm sure you aren't interested in my hair maintenance habits), but at any rate I adore that commercial. As for Taylor Hicks…oy vey… I'd have made a run for it… and the last video is priceless… It's now on a constant stream around the office hehehe
I was taken by the ad campaign for the Norelco Men's Body Groom a few months back… humor sells me on an item really easily… sadly it was a piece of crap (I won't get into that here as i'm sure you aren't interested in my hair maintenance habits), but at any rate I adore that commercial. As for Taylor Hicks…oy vey… I'd have made a run for it… and the last video is priceless… It's now on a constant stream around the office hehehe
whoa — a baby shower that had people make their own videos for karaoke? i think i see a new Filly Film Cult event on the horizon…
whoa — a baby shower that had people make their own videos for karaoke? i think i see a new Filly Film Cult event on the horizon…
Only one person actually made his own video at the karaoke baby shower. The rest of us just sang a variety of mother (Tracy Bonham: Mother Mother), father (George Michael: Father Figure) and baby themed songs (Baby Got Back, anyone?).
Only one person actually made his own video at the karaoke baby shower. The rest of us just sang a variety of mother (Tracy Bonham: Mother Mother), father (George Michael: Father Figure) and baby themed songs (Baby Got Back, anyone?).
ah — still awesome. maybe ernessa needs a karaoke shower…
no, sallie.
ah — still awesome. maybe ernessa needs a karaoke shower…
no, sallie.
It was pretty super awesome. They also showed vintage Sesame Street DVDs in the background, and they oddly seemed to sync with whatever songs were being sung. Watching Ernie freak out on screen while my boyfriend sang Prince's "The Beautiful Ones" was something to behold.
C'mon etc…you know you want to!
( i finally watched the homemade pearl jam video — truly a masterpiece.)
It was pretty super awesome. They also showed vintage Sesame Street DVDs in the background, and they oddly seemed to sync with whatever songs were being sung. Watching Ernie freak out on screen while my boyfriend sang Prince's "The Beautiful Ones" was something to behold.
C'mon etc…you know you want to!
( i finally watched the homemade pearl jam video — truly a masterpiece.)
Well, your sister had a different opinion. I have heard nothing but good about Hicks' extra song. I just read yesterday on another womans blog who was at the Pantages and was not familiar with Taylor at all but was a big Grease fan and she wrote about how impressed she and her husband were with the extra song. Can't please everybody I guess.
Well, your sister had a different opinion. I have heard nothing but good about Hicks' extra song. I just read yesterday on another womans blog who was at the Pantages and was not familiar with Taylor at all but was a big Grease fan and she wrote about how impressed she and her husband were with the extra song. Can't please everybody I guess.
Your sister must have seen a different Grease production than I, cuz when I saw the show in San Diego, the crowd absolutely loved the new single and gave it huge applause. Is she weird or something? Either that or she was no taste in music.
Your sister must have seen a different Grease production than I, cuz when I saw the show in San Diego, the crowd absolutely loved the new single and gave it huge applause. Is she weird or something? Either that or she was no taste in music.
somehow i doubt that means her sister has no taste in music…
it seems like there's something wrong with the ethics of it all. if you're going to see a musical, not a concert, the only appropriate encore is one by the cast of that show, in character. i barely know who Taylor Hicks is, but regardless of who it was — it could've been Ella for all i care — an "encore" by a member of the cast performing off their latest album is nothing but a shameless plug. that right there seems icky enough to make it unenjoyable for the majority of the audience who wasn't there to see Hicks.
somehow i doubt that means her sister has no taste in music…
it seems like there's something wrong with the ethics of it all. if you're going to see a musical, not a concert, the only appropriate encore is one by the cast of that show, in character. i barely know who Taylor Hicks is, but regardless of who it was — it could've been Ella for all i care — an "encore" by a member of the cast performing off their latest album is nothing but a shameless plug. that right there seems icky enough to make it unenjoyable for the majority of the audience who wasn't there to see Hicks.
Don't think I said a thing about anyones taste in music. I just said that was the first I had heard that was bothered by the encore. In fact , all I have heard until now has been good.
And haha , we never have shameless plugs in the entertainment world do we? Just ever 5 minutes. :-)
As I said, I have read a number, not previous Hicks fans, who were impressed by it but as I also said you can not please everybody. And there are a lot of hicks fans going to the show, so they do want to keep them happy.
Don't think I said a thing about anyones taste in music. I just said that was the first I had heard that was bothered by the encore. In fact , all I have heard until now has been good.
And haha , we never have shameless plugs in the entertainment world do we? Just ever 5 minutes. :-)
As I said, I have read a number, not previous Hicks fans, who were impressed by it but as I also said you can not please everybody. And there are a lot of hicks fans going to the show, so they do want to keep them happy.
hey cutie — i was replying to rightbackatya, who had asked if the OP's sister was weird or had no taste in music. your points are valid. except — the theater is the one place that's still safe (for the most part) from shameless plugs.* i think that's why hick's number must have been odd to some people.
*though i've often wondered when they'd start putting commercials in plays…
hey cutie — i was replying to rightbackatya, who had asked if the OP's sister was weird or had no taste in music. your points are valid. except — the theater is the one place that's still safe (for the most part) from shameless plugs.* i think that's why hick's number must have been odd to some people.
*though i've often wondered when they'd start putting commercials in plays…
yes, sorry slpc, I did see that you wern't responding to me. Many of Taylor fans wondered if it wouldn't seem odd, but until today I had saw nothing but good feedback for it. So for the most part I think it doing well and for others don't knock it if you haven't heard it. Its a very nice song, beautifully sung, and rather old school. And now I can't imagine how disappointed Hicks fans would be not to hear it. And there seems to always be a lot of them there.
If anyone would like to check out the song , look for his video on itunes. Whats Right is Right, from The Distance. (shameless plug) :-)
yes, sorry slpc, I did see that you wern't responding to me. Many of Taylor fans wondered if it wouldn't seem odd, but until today I had saw nothing but good feedback for it. So for the most part I think it doing well and for others don't knock it if you haven't heard it. Its a very nice song, beautifully sung, and rather old school. And now I can't imagine how disappointed Hicks fans would be not to hear it. And there seems to always be a lot of them there.
If anyone would like to check out the song , look for his video on itunes. Whats Right is Right, from The Distance. (shameless plug) :-)
I'd say that not wanting to see a Taylor Hicks song as the encore for a totally unrelated musical shows that Robin's sister has great taste in music, not to mention respect for how musical theater should be presented. Even if the song were good, which I doubt, given that it's Taylor Hicks, Grease is supposed to be a magical experience which takes you back to the late 50s. Singing a song form 2009 definitely takes theater-goers out of the moment — and that's not what they signed up or paid for.
I'd say that not wanting to see a Taylor Hicks song as the encore for a totally unrelated musical shows that Robin's sister has great taste in music, not to mention respect for how musical theater should be presented. Even if the song were good, which I doubt, given that it's Taylor Hicks, Grease is supposed to be a magical experience which takes you back to the late 50s. Singing a song form 2009 definitely takes theater-goers out of the moment — and that's not what they signed up or paid for.
ugh….. *takes a very hot shower to burn the ick off his soul*
ugh….. *takes a very hot shower to burn the ick off his soul*
*off his soul patrol* shudder
*off his soul patrol* shudder
Hi, I'm Robin's sister. I don't think I'm weird, unless you mean that in the dorky-cool way that someone would be considered "weird" for wanting to go see "Grease." As for taste in music, that's kinda personal – isn't it? I never said there was anything wrong with Taylor Hicks' music and to each his own. I think SLPC pretty much summed it up nicely: We went to see Grease, not a TH concert, and it's just not appropriate for any theater performer to break character – even after the show. And since I am indeed feeling nice, per my sister's request, I'll post my rant below. Enjoy.
Hi, I'm Robin's sister. I don't think I'm weird, unless you mean that in the dorky-cool way that someone would be considered "weird" for wanting to go see "Grease." As for taste in music, that's kinda personal – isn't it? I never said there was anything wrong with Taylor Hicks' music and to each his own. I think SLPC pretty much summed it up nicely: We went to see Grease, not a TH concert, and it's just not appropriate for any theater performer to break character – even after the show. And since I am indeed feeling nice, per my sister's request, I'll post my rant below. Enjoy.
An Open Letter To Taylor Hicks' Agent:
I can only assume that you are the party responsible for inserting the inappropriate, anachronistic and completely self-indulgent “And Now Taylor Hicks Sings A Song From His Soon To Be Released Album” performance at the end of the touring production of “Grease.” As the audience, trapped in their seats, uttered comments like “Are you kidding me?” “Seriously???” and “Oh. My. God.” – you took Greased Lightning for your own personal joyride off right off a cliff. Nice job.
Admittedly, I am not the Taylor Hicks target market and I did roll my eyes a bit when I saw he had been cast as Teen Angel. However, he was surprisingly charming in the role in a, you know, wink at the audience, “Hey-look-at-me-I’m-Taylor-Hicks-in-Grease” sort of way. The cast had some very tongue-in-cheek fun with the moment which made it work, and perhaps I may have even paid some attention to the aforementioned album drop – if Vince Fontaine hadn’t come back out after curtain call to take us from “1959 to 2009!!” Whaaaaaatttt????? You know, I think I actually heard a loud record scratch sound in my head as Taylor Hicks came back out to perform as Taylor Hicks. That was, hands down, the single rudest moment I have ever seen in live theater and you, sir or madam, deserve to be smacked upside the head. Or run out of town. Or forced to watch every season of American Idol on a continuous loop with toothpicks holding up your eyelids. Whatever would be considered an appropriate punishment for taking a perfectly good night out at the theater and wrecking it. At the very least, you owe me $50!
An Open Letter To Taylor Hicks' Agent:
I can only assume that you are the party responsible for inserting the inappropriate, anachronistic and completely self-indulgent “And Now Taylor Hicks Sings A Song From His Soon To Be Released Album” performance at the end of the touring production of “Grease.” As the audience, trapped in their seats, uttered comments like “Are you kidding me?” “Seriously???” and “Oh. My. God.” – you took Greased Lightning for your own personal joyride off right off a cliff. Nice job.
Admittedly, I am not the Taylor Hicks target market and I did roll my eyes a bit when I saw he had been cast as Teen Angel. However, he was surprisingly charming in the role in a, you know, wink at the audience, “Hey-look-at-me-I’m-Taylor-Hicks-in-Grease” sort of way. The cast had some very tongue-in-cheek fun with the moment which made it work, and perhaps I may have even paid some attention to the aforementioned album drop – if Vince Fontaine hadn’t come back out after curtain call to take us from “1959 to 2009!!” Whaaaaaatttt????? You know, I think I actually heard a loud record scratch sound in my head as Taylor Hicks came back out to perform as Taylor Hicks. That was, hands down, the single rudest moment I have ever seen in live theater and you, sir or madam, deserve to be smacked upside the head. Or run out of town. Or forced to watch every season of American Idol on a continuous loop with toothpicks holding up your eyelids. Whatever would be considered an appropriate punishment for taking a perfectly good night out at the theater and wrecking it. At the very least, you owe me $50!
BRAVO!!!!!! *Throngs of theatergoers leap to their feet and cheer on Robin's sister!* hee hee
BRAVO!!!!!! *Throngs of theatergoers leap to their feet and cheer on Robin's sister!* hee hee