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Wow! It’s Wednesday: Are You Ready For Some Football?
To tell you the truth, I only became a fan of football less than 10 years ago. I think this is because I’ve always found it incredibly hard to follow what’s going on and find myself having to ask lots of questions to keep up. But it’s also because I didn’t grow up with a team. The Cardinals left St. Louis when I was just a kid, and “Good riddance” according to all the men in my family. The Rams moved to St. Louis shortly before I left for college. And they didn’t go to the Super Bowl until I was abroad in Japan.
Not until I moved to Pittsburgh (for what I thought would be a couple of months, but for what turned out to be over three years) did I discover the beauty of living in a sports town. The only thing that cut across the intense gray shadow that is a Pittsburgh winter were the black and gold signs that sprouted up all over town and the ebullience that took the city over whenever the Steelers even hinted that they might make it to the Super Bowl. “Go Stillers” people called to me upon meeting and departing, like Hawaiians say “Aloha!”
What’s funny is I became a fan even before they started winning again, getting my hopes up every year, only to have them crushed in the playoffs.
But then a miracle happened. Less than two years after I moved from Pittsburgh to Los Angeles, the Steelers won. Then they won AGAIN two years later. And now, two years later, they’re in the Super Bowl again.
To my great surprise, I find that I cheer for my one true team in the same manner as my father. Yelling at the TV when things are not going their way, yelling at the TV even when they are. This, I think, alarms my husband and MIL who both watch football quietly, content to smile broadly when their teams score, while I insist on not only waving my terrible towel, but also singing a 70s-marching-band-inspired ditty that I like to call the “What-What!” song. Ask me about this the next time you see me IRL and I’ll sing it for you.
So today’s question is two fold. I’m wondering how the rest of you came to love the football teams that you love. And I’m also wondering how you cheer for them. Are you a yeller and a crower like me or a quiet smile and nodder like my husband? Either way, sound off in the comments.
I yell so much that my kid usually runs in to make sure I haven’t hurt myself. I was never a football fan as a kid, it was just something my father watched that kept me from looking at my shows on the “good” tv. I went to a Big 10 university and became a sports convert. My father was shocked when he came up for Dad’s weekend and I took him to a football game. I believe his exact words were, “what do they brainwash y’all with? You are not the quiet child I sent off to school.” I cheer for the Rams (sorry though they may be right now), the Patriots and the Steelers (mostly because they are my brother’s favorite team), but I’ll watch just about anyone play…and yell.
I won’t watch anyone play, unless it’s the playoffs and I’m trying to see who will play my Steelers. I did get all caught up with the Saints last year, but how could you not? What as story!
Born and raised in Dallas so… Cowboys love. (This did not go over well when I lived in San Francisco). Here in Texas, football is kind of a religion. Football Sunday was a family affair.
Anyway, I scream, I yell, I pace, I sweat, I cry, I coach, I curse. People that have never watched a game with me frequently sit in stunned silence before exclaiming, “You take your football seriously don’t you?” Yes, I do. Please don’t speak until the clock reads 0:00. I’m a fan of the game. If it’s on – I’ll watch. And watch and then watch the post game recaps.
I cannot in good Cowboy fandom cheer for the Steelers and yet it hurts me t say “Go Pack.” Should make for an interesting Superbowl.
Oh, OneChele, I feel the same way about the Cardinals as you do about the Packers, which is what made the Pittsburgh-Arizona Super Bowl so sweet. I got to see my most hated (I actually refer to them as my “ex-boyfriend’) team defeated and my one true team win. Sweet!
No pro allegiance whatsoever. Strong college allegiance for my grad school team, who were awful when I started grad school then did very very very well for the next several years. I watch very quietly at home, but when I’m at the games in person I get a little more excited — my husband is a crazy yelling fan (even when he has no interest in either team playing, as long as it’s exciting).
From the gist of the comments, I’m seeing that yelling fans don’t tend to marry fellow yelling fans. Hmm…
I was born in Allegheny General hospital in the wee hours of a muggy July 5. Having lived all across the country, I’ve tried to watch and support my current ‘hometown’ teams with what can be generally described as moderate success (The Broncos, Patriots, Oilers Giants/Jets). But if the Steelers are playing, there’s not really a choice.
RB, I live in fear of the Rams facing down the Steelers in a Super Bowl. Because I love STL, but you know I’d have to cheer for the one true team. GO STILLERS!
I’m like a grizzly bear! JP thinks it’s one of the most hilarious things he’s ever seen, especially because I’m not a huge football person, but come playoff times…LET’S GO STILLERS!
I’m loving the image of you going all “grizzly” — it’s probably really adorable.
I like you was not into football until I moved to Pittsburgh! Something about being in Pittsburgh and witnessing the intense love for their beloved Steelers just drags you in! Next thing you know I am living in NJ and still hosted a Black & Gold Super Bowl Party when the Steelers one the last time around! And i know that no matter what city I move to I will always be a die hard Steelers fan (even though the quarterback got issues)!
And there is nothing quiet about the way I watch football. During the recent AFC Championship Game I found myself yelling at the TV constantly only to look over and see my two year old imitating whatever mommy did even though he had no idea what was going on. It was like seeing myself for the very first time…..I am crazy obsessed once i get caught up in the game. I scream as if Mike Tomlin can hear me! Go Steelers!!!!!
Tomlin can hear me. I know he can. He can’t hear you? So far, Betty hasn’t tried to copy. Just looks at me really, really quizzically.
I do wish I could actually be in Pittsburgh one of these days for a Super Bowl. I wonder what that’s like.
Not a dedicated NFL fan, but I love college football. I scream. I pace. Then I get distracted, get a snack, have a beer, scream some more. My husband is a maniac when watching sports, especially if it’s his team. You can’t sit too close, lest he accidentally deck you when he’s gesturing angrily at the TV.
All that said….Go Stillers!
God, I’m sad about having to suffer through near-beer for yet another Steelers Super Bowl. At least I’ll have chips and french onion dip. :)
Just make sure you have more Martinelli’s on hand for the victory celebrations!
I learned to love the Broncos while sitting on the floor next to Dad’s recliner during the games. We had a rowdy family of fans, often scaring pets or waking babies during unexpected TD punt returns or blown calls by the ref. When I was 18, I gave my Dad a “Bronco Brick”, a orange and blue rectangle of foam, that he could throw at the TV when the coach didn’t call the plays right. I am still a very animated NFL watcher and hop up and accidentally spill stuff while yelling “GO!!” at the TV. I don’t really have a team for Sunday, but Go Stillers!
Good pick, Amy! I’ve never thrown anything at the television, but now that I think about it, the terrible towel would be perfect for that!