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All Good Things! Goodbye for Now from [Kicking Back with Jersey Joe]
Just like the famous line that says “All good things must come to an end,” alas this is the final blogumn in this edition of Kicking Back with Jersey Joe. Fierce and Nerdy will be changing formats, but we have one last chance to catch up!
For over three years and 151 +6 blogumns, we’ve gathered each week to take a look at what’s cool, new, retro, and hip in our world. We all work hard, but the point of this blogumn was to sit back and relax for a bit. Hopefully, we’ve accomplished that and shared a few laughs. I know I’ve learned tons writing this each week.
It’s been fun sharing all my adventures with you, but I thought we should take a final look back at some of my favorite blogumns.
Blogumn 1 – May 31, 2010
My first blogumn took a look at the brand new prototype Star Trek slot machine that I got to experience at the old Las Vegas Hilton for my 30th birthday. A large group of my closest friends traveled to Vegas that spring, and we checked out the now closed Star Trek: The Experience.
The slot is still one of my favorites, but sadly, it’s not really around as much anymore. Many casinos have replaced it with Lord of the Rings, but the magic of this machine is still priceless. It was one of the first slots, where you would earn medals, save them, and unlock new episodes! The machine contains a zillion classic Star Trek clips and puts you right in an episode in multiple big money bonus rounds.
It’s still online and entertaining gamblers at the Sands Casino in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. I had the pleasure of once again enjoying this great game a few months ago.
Blogumn 64 – October 21, 2011
I love surfing Youtube in my down time to check out all the crazy videos. While there’s tons of pointless drab there, thanks to the internet we get to see some video gold that would otherwise be sitting on some newsroom shelf.
In this blogumn, I checked out some amazing weather videos, but the one video that stands out to me is the town being destroyed by a volcanic eruption, while a camera crew is inside the town. I’ve experienced the power of Mother Nature before, but it’s mind-boggling to see boiling water running down a city street!
Blogumn 76 – February 3, 2012
This is probably my absolute favorite blogumn. In this edition, I took a look at the retro 1980’s AT&T ads that highlighted all the gadgets and technology that were coming in the near future.
From EZ Pass to Siri, it was shocking to see how accurate most of these ads were and the couple of products promoted that never materialized. This one is definitely worth another look!
Blogumn 129 – March 8, 2013
I scratched tons of instant lottery tickets from both New York and New Jersey to find out if you could make money off of these things. One state paid off better than the other and a giant pile of rubbed off shards was left behind!
Blogumn 130 – March 15, 2013
For all of the wacky things I’ve eaten while writing this blogumn, this had nothing to do with food – but with trying out those massage chairs smack in the middle of a crowded shopping mall. My experience was, well… interesting and I shared with you every hilarious moment!
THE 411
Name: Kicking Back with Jersey Joe
What: Lifestyle/pop culture blogumn
And that’s a wrap. It’s time to roll the end credits and put up the copyright as my fourth season has come to a close. I may resurrect this blogumn again at some point as I always have lots to say and there are tons of sites out there! Plus, I still have a few unpublished editions that I guess we will call lost episodes! From what I understand, the previously published editions will remain online here at Fierce and Nerdy after site the format change.
I wish to thank Ernessa for her support of me here and to Ryan for suggesting that I start this. Lastly, a big thanks to all of you who stopped by week after week. Your comments and support is why I kept publishing.
Don’t forget, my musings continue every day on my twitter feed @jerseyjoe50. Please give me a follow! I always write, follow back, and post multiple times a day.
Before I go, I thought about going out with a big musical montage. But, I don’t think there’s any way that I could top how Connie Chung went out when her show Weekends with Connie & Maury was canceled by MSNBC!