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Novels Eat BRAINS!!! [Bloggin’ on the ETC]

Heya Nerds!

Talking about how I pretty much refuse to let anything I write die over at Girlfriends Book Club. Here’s the excerpt:

I’ve been trying to figure out how to write this post ever since our current topic cycle of trunk novels was announced. It’s not that I never submitted a novel that didn’t get published. I totally did. Twice when I was in college. Strangely enough, both query letters were strong enough to get me several requests for partials and one request for a full from agents. Unfortunately the writing was not strong enough to garner me any offers of representation.

Shortly after college, I switched from novel writing to screenwriting. I have several trunk screenplays, and scads of rejections to go with them. But then in 2005, I came back to novel writing, finished my debut novel in 2008, 32 CANDLES, and it sold in 2009.

I have no idea what happened to the hard copies of my college novel and I’m not sure how to go about getting them off their respective hard disks (remember those?).  But in the end, it doesn’t really matter, because the truth is, every single thing I write to the end becomes a zombie. [Continued at Girlfriends Book Club]