Political Physics: Sign Me Up for A Little Nip & Tuck

So I am driving into work last week and I am listening to some pop station.  The disc jockey is going on and on about The Black Eyed Peas recent performance of their new single, “Just Can’t Get Enough” on American Idol. But it wasn’t the song that he was droning one about, it was Fergie.  Specifically, how he believed that she’d had “work done.”  This rampant speculation went on for over for a better part of five minutes and all I could think was who cares!

But apparently lots of people do.

I googled “fergie plastic surgery” in prep for this article and there were 1,240,000 results.  And when I googled “fergie bad plastic surgery” there were 2,290,000 results.


According to DimeWars.Com, “The net was buzzing immediately after the performance referencing Fergie’s ‘different’ face…something seemed different.  Many speculated that Fergie went under the knife and was healing from her procedure.”  Apparently this has become such an issue that Fergie’s husband, Josh Duhamel, denied that his wife had plastic surgery in an interview with Ryan Seacrest.

I just don’t understand what all the hubbub is about.  Maybe Fergie had plastic surgery and maybe she didn’t.  Either way, it is her business.   And if she did, I can relate.

My 34th birthday is fast approaching and I am not aging graciously.  Between the natural aging process and two kids, my body just is not what it used to be.  I have been considering plastic surgery – specifically breast augmentation and a tummy tuck – since my son was born.  Okay, that is not exactly true.  If I had cash on hand that did not go to my kids college fund, I would have the procedures today.

And like the folks who were dying to know about Fergie’s surgery or non-surgery, I am not alone.

Plastic SurgeryAccording to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, “13.1 million cosmetic plastic surgery procedures, including those that are minimally-invasive or surgical, were performed in the United States in 2010, up 5 percent from 2009. [And] more than 5.3 million reconstructive plastic surgery procedures were performed last year, up 2 percent.”  And the top five procedures were breast augmentation, nose reshaping, eyelid surgery, liposuction and tummy tucks.

In 2009, 907,141 African-Americans had cosmetic or plastic surgery procedures.  Caucasians had 8.8 million or 73 percent of cosmetic and plastic surgeries, followed by Hispanics at 1.2 million or 10 percent. Women (92%) tend to seek cosmetic surgery more than men, reports the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.

And the rise in plastic surgery is consistent across all racial groups.  The number of African Americans getting a nip tuck increased by 6% between 2009 and 2010.  It increased by 2% among Latinos, 2% among Asians and 8% among Caucasians.  Even with the horror stories out there, (e.g., Michael Jackson, Priscilla Presley, Jocelyn Wildenstein, Burt Reynolds and Kenny Rogers) and the recession, it appears that plastic surgery is still on the rise.

In a recent blogumn entitled “Don’t Call Me Ma’am,” my BFF Ernessa wrote, “I’m quite happily aging.”  I so envy that kind of thinking, because I do not feel that way at all.

So here is the deal.  Feel free to submit my name to Extreme Makeover or any show that provides free plastic surgery!

But that is just me, what about you?  Are you aging graciously?  And would you get a little nip tuck?

featured image credit: Scabeater