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NewlyNested: Climbing Out of the Rut

a blogumn by Debra Goykhman

blythecookingI feel settled in my life in many ways.  I am married and comfortable with my partner, I have a home that is almost unpacked, and I have recipes that I repeat every week without even having to think about what I’m going to make.  It’s like I have fallen into a rhythm that I had only observed, when I was younger, from my mother and her friends.  Now that I am a settled I am ready to unsettle things.

Being newly nested was learning how to fit my life and my husband’s life into a cohesive union.  Now with that somewhat complete, I decided it was time to evolve a little.  The beginning of my new journey began with the one thing that is always on my mind: food. I thinking the best way for me to shake up the food thing is by trying different types of food.  I recently went to a Middle Eastern themed party and tried dishes I would have never eaten before.  Now I’m trying to bring a little ethnicity into my own kitchen.  Currently I am obsessing over Greek cuisine.  

The next step is in my work/creative life.  I have decided to go old school and schedule my life like I’m in elementary school again.  I plan my morning activities, my recess, and my afternoon to give a yin/yang balance to my life.  Now I spend half my day working on my textile business and the other half crafting my novel, which always seems to be “almost done.”

Finally, I am going to start trying some new things, like meditation gardens, beach walks, and going to new parts of town!  This is something everyone should try in their life once in a while.

Maybe one day I’ll need to spice things up with the husband, but for now I’m happy where we are.  

Are you stuck in the same routine?  How are you changing things up?