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Turn Any Book into a Library Book: Holiday Gifts 2011 [BOOK WEEK 2]
Sometimes, I think, “TTL I blog at Fierce and Nerdy” because who else but you, me, and the rest of our readers would actually consider buying this $16 Personal Library Kit (which allows you to turn 20 of your books into library versions, so the folks you loan them to remember to give them back) as a Secret Santa gift? ~via Galleycat
What a cool idea! Right now I have a homemade system which consists of a Sharpie and post-it note with the check-in and check-out date. This library kit will make me official, and perhaps earn a side-eye from my friends. LOL
I’m purchasing one just for the friend shade alone. My friends have come to expect a certain amount of orneriness from me and I don’t want to disappoint them.
Please don’t disappoint them. Break out with your kit at the right time and document their facial expressions!